English, Fly Fishing, News
Feb 14th, 2015
When people talk about winter carp on the fly fishing, they can’t possibly be thinking of Ontario. I don’t see anyone out on the water these days at minus 20 degrees Celsius targeting carp. The New Fly Fisher e-mag (check it out, it’s free!) just ran a story about pre-spawn carp fishing around the Bay of Quinté. It’s an okay read though it seems they run this story every couple of years. However, their tips are solid, and fishing in the GTA in mid-May looks very similar.
More interesting and inspirational, however, is Le Mouching‘s Valentine’s Day post...
Board Games, Deutsch, Portfolio
Jan 24th, 2015
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine Liste aller von Hendrik Breuer im Kalenderjahr 2014 veröffentlichten Brett- und Kartenspiel-Rezensionen mit Links zu den entsprechenden Artikeln. Ich habe auf ganze Zeitungsseiten verlinkt, sodass man gelegentlich zum Spieletext runterscrollen muss. Link zum Pressespiegel 2013.
stern.de (5,8 Mio Unique User/Monat)
Das sind die besten Brettspiele des Jahres, Juli 2014, Spiele: Camel Up, Concept, Splendor, Istanbul, Rokoko, Concordia
Diese Brettspiele sind bestimmt nicht langweilig, Dezember 2014: Black Fleet, King of New York/Tokyo, Abluxxen, Beasty Bar, Patchwork,...
English, News
Sep 27th, 2014
After so many years of living in Ontario I finally managed to make it to the Bruce Trail for a few days. I was lucky enough to “test” Explorer’s Tread‘s newest three-day hike, the so-called “Smoke of the Lion’s Gun Backpacking Trip” near the town of Lion’s Head. The trip includes Lion’s Head Lookout as well as Gun Point Lookout, hence the name.
Three days out on the escarpment and I believe my guide Zane got it right: “This is the best part of the Bruce Trail!” Zane, who recently hiked the popular West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island,...
English, Fly Fishing, News
Aug 7th, 2014
Contrary to what some of the cooler fly fishing websites tell us, one doesn’t need “made-by-hipster” rods, head cams and full sleeve tattoos to go “Carp On The Fly” fishing. Basically, use whatever 7 or 8-weight outfit you find in your basement. Add waders and polarized glasses, read either Kirk Deeter’s or Barry Reynolds’ book and you are good to go.
Yesterday, however, I discovered that one crucial piece of equipment had been missing from my outfit for years: a Smith Creek rod clip. With your rod securely and firmly attached to your chest pack or vest,...
Board Games, English, News
Jul 29th, 2014
Globally, Spiel des Jahres (SdJ, the German game of the year) and Kennerspiel des Jahres (“connoisseurs’ game of the year”) are the most important awards in the boardgame industry. The rule of thumb is: You win the SdJ and your sales tenfold!
Naturally, I sat down and played all six nominated games and then wrote about this year’s SdJ and Kennerspiel winners and nominees.
What’s that?? Concept is the most innovative of the six nominees.
On the stern.de website I review the games in detail, and across several newspapers, I share my findings about Camel Up, Splendor,...
English, News
Jun 3rd, 2014
The “media post-tours” are one of the highlights of the annual Travel Media Association of Canada (TMAC) conference. And since this year TMAC met in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, biking the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) was a natural choice for a quick two-day press trip.
The GAP is a nearly-level biking trail that runs about 242 kilometers from Pittsburgh to Cumberland, Maryland. We had the chance to ride a bit over half of the trail, from #Pgh to Ohiopyle.
Following the Youghiogheny and Casselman Rivers in the Laurel Highlands and using historic railroad lines, tunnels, viaducts and...
Board Games, Deutsch, News
May 18th, 2014
Morgen wird bekannt gegeben, welche sechs Spiele zu “Spiel des Jahres 2014” und “Kennerspiel des Jahres 2014” nominiert worden sind. Was ich von den nominierten Spielen halte, kann man dann auch ein paar Wochen später an anderer Stelle nachlesen. [Nämlich hier auf stern.de!]
Vermutlich kommen in diesem Jahr wieder etwas größere Spiele (und Love Letter…) zum Zuge und werden nominiert. Ich bin allerdings, wie kürzlich gepostet, besonders beeindruckt von den vielen kleinen und kürzeren Spielen, die in diesem Jahr veröffentlicht worden sind. Deshalb stelle ich hier drei...
Board Games, Deutsch, News
Apr 12th, 2014
Überall liest man, was die Leute gerade gerne spielen oder was in der letzten Woche so ging. Sowas kann ich hier leider nicht liefern, dafür poste ich zu wenig. Ich kann aber mal zusammenfassen, welche Spiele mich im Jahr 2014 bislang überzeugt haben und welche demnächst auch den Weg in einige Zeitungsartikel finden werden. (Hier: Artikel aus dem letzten Jahr)
Alle reden von “micro games”, also extrem verkürzten Strategiespielen wie Acht-Minuten Imperium. Ich finde allerdings, dass in den letzten Monaten auch sehr gute klassische Karten- und Würfelspiele auf den Markt geworfen worden...
English, Fly Fishing, News
Jan 9th, 2014
Last week temperatures in Toronto dropped to minus 40 degrees Celsius and Lake Ontario froze over. At about the same time I found some really nice “Carp on the Fly” videos online that made me miss summer.
I’ll probably have to wait until mid May to again fish for carp in my favorite Great Lakes bays, so the best thing I can do right now is scan the internet for content like this. Comment here or shoot me an email if you find more good stuff!
Podcasts: Kirk Deeter shares his top ten tips for carp, and Dan Frasier adds some advice. Earlier in 2013, CarpPro magazine started the FlyCast...
Board Games, English, News
Dec 30th, 2013
In Germany, board game publishers generate roughly 60 percent of their annual sales in December. Naturally, the days leading up to Christmas are the ideal time to publish game reviews online and in print.
On stern.de, the web presence of stern magazine, with 5.7 million unique monthly visitors, I present this year’s five best games for families and casual groups. Here are the games that make the illustrious cut: Bruges (my favorite game of 2013), Eight-Minute Empire, Qwixx, Sanssouci, and Love Letter.
Two newspapers, Schleswig-Holstein am Sonntag and Schweriner Volkszeitung, with a combined...
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